Pupil Survey 2018

The School Council hold a pupil survey every year to find out what the children think about school.  
In the last survey in 2018 the pupils were asked to select 'Always', 'Most of the time', 'Sometimes', 'Rarely' or 'Never' to answer the following questions:
Do you feel happy in school?
Do you feel safe in school?
Do you feel safe in the playground?
Do you know what to do if you feel unsafe?
Would you be able to sit in the library in your free time?
Do you feel your class is able to use the library enough? 
Would you like access to the pond at break? 
The results for these questions can be found in the PDF pie charts below.
The children were also asked the following question:
Is there anything that could be improved and if there is, what is it?
Responses to this included:
  • Fix and replace the adventure equipment
  • Provide more play equipment for lunchtime and breaktime
  • Build a swimming pool
  • Separate changing rooms for girls and boys
  • Improve hot lunches
  • New tables and chairs in the classrooms
  • More time for cooking lessons
  • Have a mini zoo! 
  • More holidays
School Response to the School Council Pupil Survey
It is fantastic to see that the vast majority of our pupils feel happy and safe at school and in the playground. It is also great that the majority of them know what to do when they feel unsafe for any reason.  
There are many ways that the school have acted, or are acting on the improvements the children would like to see.
New adventure play equipment has been ordered and will all be installed by the end of the Autumn term 2018, with some of it already in place. The new outdoor classroom space and fire pit area were also completed in the autumn term. We are hoping to get staff Forest School trained in 2019 so that they can lead regular sessions in our new outdoor classroom area. 
The School Council have completed another class survey and worked with Mrs Reid to place an order for new play time and lunchtime equipment and created a webpage about this aquisition. 
The Year 5 Playleaders have worked with Mrs Reid to create a zoned playtime rota with different equipment available on different days for all the children to access, including football, rugby, hockey and tri-golf equipment for the grass area. 
Cooking lessons are part of the curriculum and Food technology will come up at least once a year in the Design Technology lesson planning, so there will be at least one day of cooking or backing per year. 
Mrs Reid has been eating school meals to keep a check on the quality of the food and has been pleased with her food orders, but will keep eating the meals to make sure they remain good. 
The Governing Body Premises Committee are investigating the cost of new tables and chairs for the classrooms and this has been added to our School Development Plan for 2018 2019.  The Governors are also looking at alternative solutions for changing for PE as we don't have the space or the money to build new changing rooms.  
Unfortunately, we can't manage a swimming pool or a mini zoo, much as we love the suggestions, we just don't have the space! We also can't change the number of days that pupils must attend school as these are decided by the local authority and the government, not the school.  
Thank you to all the pupils who undertook the survey for you lovely reponses in 2018.